Monday, May 15, 2006

To sleep, perchance to let Mommy watch Desperate Housewives

Lately my little one has been next to impossible to put to sleep at night. She used to get into her crib, smile, say "Night night Mommy!" and I would gleefully go forth into the world of adults (well, if you consider Jeff an adult, but you get the idea). But for the past week or so it's been "No, Mommy...Read book again! Sit here!" etc. and I've been getting sustained howls of fury should I try to leave before she falls asleep. This is completely unlike naptime, where she usually cries for 30 seconds or so but then gives up and goes to sleep. I've been feeling like I did when she was an infant and I refused to let her cry it out but was at the same time at my wit's end becasue she just too forever to get to sleep. I've taken to begging Jeff to sit in the nursery with his laptop and play World of Warcraft so she stops crying and I get to leave, which works, but it's not his favorite solution. But tonight I seem to have stumbled upon the answer: I told her I had to go potty (true, I really had to pee...) but I'd come back and check on her. (I conveniently neglected to specify when.) Lo and behold, no crying! I heard some "Where Mommy?" on the monitor, but no outraged screams of fury. I'm ridiculously happy right now. Now let's see if it works tomorrow!


Roe said...

I do similar with Alex (and before that, Will). "I'll be right back," works wonders. Hope it sticks!

Lore said...

Last night it was, "I'll go get daddy...he'll be right in!" I think I'll try a more general "be right back" this eve.

Stacey said...

Lucky that babies have a pretty short attention span.

Roe said...

hahahaha... when all else fails, always invoke Daddy's name. "Go see Daddy about that" is another very popular one, especially when one is trying to watch a rare Duran Duran video on