Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Oh my...could it be?

Could I actually graduate?

In this lifetime??

I found a third committee member, and I have a proposal date tentatively set. It is in less than 2 weeks! Once the proposal goes through I can collect my data, and then analyze it and write it up and...dare I say it...FINISH!!! I can't think about it too much or I get nervous.

Oh, and tomorrow we find out if it is a girl or a boy. Assuming the baby decides to give us a good view, of course.


Roe said...

That's great news - on both fronts! Congrats!

Linda said...

YAY! A doubly exciting time for the Hannes household!

Brian said...

Fantastic news Lore. Will you change your blog name to just Mommy? Any ideas about baby names yet? Luke, Lando, Bobafett? :)

Stacey said...

Congrats on both counts!